The chamber is hidden in the isolated wood and is difficult to spot because of its resemblance to the many natural caves in the crag.
Accessing it requires crawling inside through a small opening. The ground is covered in water with stones and in the winter months the internal cell is often completely full of water. That said, the persevering visitor is awarded with a fascinating visit to one of the most attractive domus de janas in the area.
The main chamber, dug out of the rock in prehistoric times, reproduces the roof of an ancient hut, with its central beam ending in a pillar left intact during the excavation.
On the short side, a small cell opens up, while the long side reproduces the walls of the hut with the motif of a false door and from here divides into a horn-shaped double motif, created in flat bas-relief.
After leaving the fork on the right for Romana, take the trunk road SS 292 to km 37, turn right and take the strada di bonifica Codoro. Follow this for 2 km as far as a large water storage tank (on the left). Leave the car and head southwest, going back over the crag until you come to the monument.