Guasila Domus de janas Riu Sa Mela Domus de janas The site has two neolithic hypogea carved into the sandstone. The first grave has an anti-cell and raised funeral beds, and in some points,… Scopri di più
Villa Sant'Antonio Domus de janas Jenna Salixi Domus de janas The necropolis of Jenna Salixi lies on the border between the Marmilla and the Sarcidano, and is considered one of the most beautiful in… Scopri di più
Sassari Domus De Janas di Monte d’Accoddi Domus de janas The necroples lies at less than 500 metres from the famous pre-Nuragic altar-temple of Monte D’Accoddi. The site has at least eight hypogea. These include… Scopri di più
Sedilo Domus de Janas Ispiluncas Domus de janas The site lies at just 200 metres from the archaeological site of Iloi. It is a vast necropolis with at least 33 hypogea. Only 2… Scopri di più
Perfugas Domus de janas “Funtana Pudida” (tomb of the ram) Domus de janas The “Conchedda de Funtana Pùdida”, better known as the ram tomb due to the presence of a symbol carved into the wall, interpreted as… Scopri di più
Sennori Domus de janas in the Parish Charitable Vegetable Garden Domus de janas, Hypogeum The hypogeum was excavated out of a limestone outcrop in the vegetable garden adjoining the parish church of Sennori. The multi-cell domus has 11… Scopri di più
Nughedu Santa Vittoria Domus de janas Sas Arzolas de goi Domus de janas, Necropoli The site stands on the steep slope of a trachyte hillside, not far from a calcarenite stone quarry. Originally, the necropolis probably had more… Scopri di più
Oniferi Domus de janas Sas Concas Domus de janas The hypogeum complex stands on a red trachyte outcrop, close to some emerging walls, and includes 20 graves. The Sas Concas tombs have a… Scopri di più
Sedini Domus de janas La Rocca – Ethnographic Museum Popular Traditions of Anglona Casa museo, Domus de janas On the edge of the old town centre of Sedini is one of the most important and unique monuments in Sardinia: the domus de… Scopri di più