This necropolis has ten Domus de janas but one in particular, the Branca Tomb, preserves one of the most important signs of primitive religiousness in Sardinia.
The tomb, now partially collapsed, had an access corridor (dromos), an anti-cell and an actual cell. Numerous stylised human figures have been carved on the walls of the latter and many experts continue to debate its interpretation.
At the Cheremule exit, heading south east (direction, trunk road SS 131) continue for 2.7 km turning at the first fork on the right, in correspondence with a tourist road sign indicating the archaeological sites; carry on along a passable unpaved road as far as a junction (with tourist sign) and take the fork on the left towards the “Branca Tomb”. Continue for around 500 m as far as a white road on the right, cordoned off by low walls and inaccessible to vehicles, marked with tourist road signs. Follow this for about 20 m and you’ll come to the site.