Few places in Sardinia can convey thousands of years of history in just a few metres on a par with the S. Andrea Priu archaeological site’s artistic level.
At least 20 domus de janas started to appear in prehistoric times, on the emerging cliff which dominates the fertile valley. One of the most important is the so called “Tomba del Capo” with its magnificent carved decorations which reproduce the aspects of a protohistory hut. With 14 cells, it is also one of the largest known domus. Re-used in Roman times and later in Medieval times, it preserves a magnificent collection of drawings, unique to Sardinia.
The visit concludes with the thermal-bath structure recently uncovered on the slopes of the necropolis, part of a particularly large city which probably stood slightly further downhill.
Take the road for Bono from Bonorva for around 6 km. Turn right here towards the rural church of Santa Lucia. After reaching the church, carry on for around 500 m as far as the necropolis.