Domus de janas in the Parish Charitable Vegetable Garden

Domus in the parish charitable vegetable garden, Sennori

Photo by Paolo Lombardi

Domus in the parish charitable vegetable garden, Sennori

The hypogeum was excavated out of a limestone outcrop in the vegetable garden adjoining the parish church of Sennori. The multi-cell domus has 11 rooms which were interconnected at a later date.

The first and oldest nucleus is “T” shaped and has three rooms. The second one, accessed via a dromos (corridor), has a main cell from where different intermediate rooms open out. The extensive carved decoration with horn-shaped motifs is of particular significance. In one cell, referred to as the “Protomes Room”, these appear repeatedly three times over on a back wall, it too carved with relief architraves.


G. Tanda, L’Arte delle domus de janas nelle immagini di Jngeborg Mangold, Chiarella, Sassari, 1985, pp. 132-134, 188-189.
Madau M., Manca di Mores G., Sau M., La tomba di giganti di Orrida e il territorio di Sennori, Guide e Itinerari. Sardegna archeologica, 45, Carlo Delfino editore, Sassari 2010

Bene tutelato

Proprietà: Comunale
Tipo provvedimento: 3144
Numero provvedimento: Di interesse culturale dichiarato (L. 1089/1939 art. 2, 3)

Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Visibile previa autorizzazione
Parcheggio: Si
Distanza a piedi: 100m
Sentiero segnalato: Si
Altitudine: 330m
Accessibilità motoria: Non accessibile

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