Domus de janas di Su Murrone

Domus de janas Su Murrone - Particolare della decorazione con duplici corna, Chiaramonti

Foto di Paolo Lombardi

The necropolis of Su Murrone, located on a trachyte elevation about 6 Km from the town of Chiaramonti, has five hypogeum burials, four of which are currently open to the public.

Discovered in 1968 by Ercole Contu and studied by Giuseppe Pitzalis between 1989 and 2000, they are unusual because of the presence of consistent traces of red ochre paint. The planimetry layout is constant: access via the dromos, followed by an anti-cell with east/south-eastern entrance, main room and additional cells stemming off this.

Particularly noteworthy is Tomb 1, complete with large, monumental atrium and a door edged with a relief frame. There are a number of decorative motifs and carved symbols in the main room of the hypogeum, such as the reproduction of a double-pitch wooden ceiling and the representation of bull’s horns.

Some of the material uncovered include, in abundance, lithic pickaxes, used to dig and the finishing work on the domus itself. The necropolis was then used during the Eneolithic and Ancient Bronze eras with a sporadic presence in Roman times.



Contu E., Notiziario-Sardegna, in Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche, XXIII, 1968, p. 427
Moravetti A., Melis P., Foddai L., Alba E. (a cura di), La Sardegna Preistorica: storia, materiali, monumenti, Regione Autonoma della Sardegna,Delfino, Sassari 2017
Tanda G., L’Arte delle domus de jeans nelle immagini di Jngeborg Mangold, Sassari, Chiarella, 1985, pp. 138-141
Pitzalis G., La necropoli di Su Murrone a Chiaramonti, in Almanacco Gallurese, 8, 2000-01, pp. 94-102



Bene tutelato

Proprietà: Comunale
Tipo provvedimento: DM (L. 1089/1939)
Data provvedimento: 27/03/1969
Istituto competente: Soprintendenza ABAP Sassari e Nuoro

Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Libero
Distanza a piedi: 100m
Sentiero segnalato: Si
Altitudine: 157m
Bar: No
Accessibilità motoria: Parziale

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