The domus de janas di Corongiu I is dug out of a sandstone rock bank.
It has an access well, an anti-cell and a cell.
The engraved and painted decorations on the wall at the entrance to the cell, in the upper part and on the sides of the door make it unusual.
A spiral motif facing inwards divides off a vertical element. At the sides of this motif, a zig-zag line is cordoned off on the right by a spiral and on the left by two concentric circles.
Further motifs appear above. On the right, a horizontal strip ends at the tips with two spirals pointing inwards, while another motif is illegible.
Two vertical elements with double spiral pointing inwards in the upper extremity and outwards in the lower one are depicted on the sides of the door
To reach the necropolis from the town square, take the B-road for Guasila and turn left at the first turn and continue for 1 km until you reach the site on the right.