The monument sits on a hillside at Sa Punta, not far from the sea.
This is a Nuraghe with two towers and an internal courtyard. The blocks used to create the parts of the Nuraghe still visible are huge and roughly cut. That said, the discovery, amidst the crumbled buildings of some well-built wedged sandstone ashlars (other similar ones can be seen in Antigori and amidst the crumbled ruins of the Nuraghe Mereu), give us reason to believe that the towers finished further up with a worked ashlar coping, most likely used to build the typical support shelves for the protruding terrace. During the excavation work some fragments of Mycenaean ceramic were uncovered as well as typical Nuragic ceramics.
Follow the road signs out of Sarroch and when you reach the public park turn right onto a dirt track which runs around the hillside. From this point onwards, the Nuraghe is clearly visible. Follow the road and you come to a pathway which you can walk along for about 300 metres.