Chia is a coastal area in the municipality of Domus de Maria. Generally this place name is linked to the vast coastal stretch from the southwestern section of the Golfo di Cagliari, extending almost four kilometers, alternating large beaches with small coves and promontories.
The entire coastal sector extends from Capo S’Isulotto (southwest), to beyond the Torre di Chia promontory (also famous for its archaeological site). It includes the Su Giudeu, S’Acqua Durci, Porto Campana, the small inlet of Sa Renconada de Monte Cogoni, Monte Cogoni, Sa Colonia andSu Portu. They also include the isolotto su Giudeu and the three coastal ponds: Stagno di Stangioni de Su Sali, di Campana and Chia.
The area is almost completely covered by the Sites of Community Importance (SCI) “Porto Campana” (ITB ITB042230) and its naturalistic importance is represented by habitat prioritario “2250*: Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp.”
Another fascinating naturalistic element is represented by the dune belt, which extends at a distance of between thirty and forty metres from the shore.
The dunes are in times deep and reasonably even and reach a height of about 26 m a.s.l.
The vegetation consists of not only juniper, but typical species of mobile dunes (e.g. Marram grass, Crucianella ) and stable dunes (Phillyrea, Mastic tree etc.). In the pond area, which tend to dry up in the summer season, we can find various typical species of the brackish environment.
In general, all the beaches have clear sand with a medium-fine grain. The seabeds are generally low and sandy, with water that is transparent and crystal clear.
This area was inhabited as early as the ancient times. Indeed, we find the archaeological site near the Torre di Chia, the remains of a Phoenician-Punic necropolis near the beach of Sa Colonia.
The entire area was recently the subject (2009-2014) of the project PROVIDUNE, financed by the European Union on the fund LIFE Nature & Biodiversity. The purpose of the project was to safeguard the dune environments in certain Italian SCI (Sites of Community Importance).
All the beaches can be easily reached and there are different car parks and rest areas.