Nuraghe Co'e Serra, Baunei

Nuraghe Co'e Serra, Baunei

Sitting on a rocky spike, the Nuraghe dominates the Golga plateau. Down below, in the midst of the forest, are numerous traces of huts, which were part of the surrounding village.

Visually connected with the other Nuraghe located on the Golgo plain and surrounding area (Nurgahe Orgoduri and Nuraghe Alvo), it was presumably part of a system for controlling the area. It is a compound-style Nuraghe. A tholos tower and a large square wall can be made out.

The site is easy to reach along the road from Baunei which leads to the Golgo plateau, following the signs for the church of San Pietro. When you get to the top of the plateau, carry on along the main road for about 5 km until to come to a change of direction market by a sign for Nuraghe Coe Serra. You can leave your car in an open space and continue on foot for another ten or so metres.



Bene tutelato

Proprietà: Comunale
Tipo provvedimento: Dichiarazione dell’interesse culturale D. Lgs. 42/2004
Data provvedimento: 19/11/2015
Istituto competente: Soprintendenza ABAP Sassari e Nuoro

Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Libero
Parcheggio: No
Sentiero segnalato: Si
Altitudine: 511m
Bar: No
Accessibilità motoria: Non accessibile

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