Murales, Suni

Foto di Giorgio Baldini

The town of Suni, situated in the historical region of Planargia, is a small agricultural hamlet. Despite being a small centre, it is covered in murals along the walls of its buildings.

Just like the towns of Flussio and Tinnura, Suni too has focused its attention on murals to promote agricultural and sheep rearing activities as well as its local festivities. In 2009, the artist Pina Modde, produced almost all the works.  Using an evocative figurative illusion, in which the subjects are enclosed in an artificial cornice, we almost have the impression of walking through an urban art gallery.

The murals mainly depict ancient trades, scenes of a shepherd’s life and the Ardia di Suni, the annual horse race held on the feast of San Pancrazio, the town’s patron saint.



Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Libero
Parcheggio: Si
Difficoltà: Facile
Bar: Si
Accessibilità motoria: Totale

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