Orgosolo TK0A8888

Copyright Arkadia Editore, foto di Gianni Sirigu​

Murales, Orgosolo

Formerly famous for being “the bandits’ town”, Orgosolo is now considered the heart of Sardinian murals with a more prominent political twist.

During the protests around the construction of the Pratobello shooting range in 1969, Dioniso, the anarchic group of Tuscan origin produced the first series of murals protesting against militarising the island.

In 1975, Francesco Del Casino, a teacher from Siena and catalyst of the Dioniso group, produced a series of works together with his students as part of a project about anti-fascist resistance.

Thanks mostly to Del Casino’s works, in the years that followed, a number of Sardinian and international artists covered the town in Barbagia with murals detailing the most important political and social facts of the XX and XXI centuries, from the murals on the shepherds’ uprising in 1969, with the words of Emilio Lussu, in Corso Repubblica, to the work dedicated to the Twin Towers in New York.

Since 2006, Orgosolo has hosted numerous artistic events which have attracted key figures from the international artistic scene, including Mario Marras, Angelo Lai, Valley Lorcan, Smith Naomi and many more.



Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Libero
Parcheggio: Si
Accessibilità motoria: Totale

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