Cala Girgolu (or Ghjlgolu), also known as Cala della Tartaruga, is in Vaccilleddi, in the municipality of San Teodoro, in the province of Sassari.
The beach has large-grain sand and smooth shingle and sits in the narrow cove between the promontories of Monte Petrosu (108 m a.s.l.) and Monte Pietra Bianca (72 m a.s.l.).
The crystal-clear sea water sparkles amidst the granite rocks around the shoreline and emerging from the seabed. The seabed is shallow and sandy.
Behind Cala Girgolu you’ll find a landscape enriched by a small dunal pond, surrounded by Mediterranean shrub and granite rocks, the natural habitat of a number of bird species.
The beach is also famous for its natural sculpture known as the Turtle rock (origin of its alternative name). Unfortunately, the rock was damaged on two separate occasions, in 1994 and 1996 (after initial restoration work).
The granite has formations known as “tafoni”. This is the result of erosion phenomena on the quartz crystals which give the rock its unusual hollow shapes.
Opposite the cove, in the middle of the sea, you can see the imposing shape of Isola di Tavolara.
The beach offers full facilities: parking, structures for the physically challenged, a campsite, eating area and swimming facilities.