Not far from Portobello di Gallura, in the area of Agnata, we can admire the Nuraghe Tuttusoni. The monument stands on a slight hill elevation, dominating a vast plain extending down towards the sea. Built using blocks of local granite, it features a very even wall construction, something fairly unusual in Gallura. Indeed, it is more common to find the polygonal technique with the use of blocks with contact surfaces which are often uneven.
Beyond the entrance with an imposing architrave above, you come into the central room. This has a circular layout, partially collapsed, and formerly had a “tholos” roof or false cupola. A ramp provides access to the upper part of the monument offering views of a vast and magnificent part of land as far as the sea. The Tuttusoni is the kind of Nuraghe found along the Gallura coastline, which combined the control of agricultural-sheep-rearing land with that of the sea.
Around the monument you can see the remains of walls belonging to additional extensions to the building. This would confirm not only its function as a lookout over the surrounding plain but also as a residential settlement.