Murales di San Gavino Monreale

Cronologia: 2014

"Incontro" di Alice Pasquini, San Gavino Monreale

Foto Associazione Culturale SKIZZO

The town of San Gavino Monreale is one of the most important centres in Campidano, traditionally dedicated to cultivating the very valuable saffron. The town is a genuine open-air art gallery, considering the huge number of murals on the walls of buildings.

The history of the murals in San Gavino is sadly linked to a tragic event: in 2013, a young boy, Simone Farci, died and the town’s people decided to commission a mural in his memory. Giorgio Casu, the artist selected to produce the work, completed the mural in 2014. The work entitled Skizzo, is a nod to the boy’s nickname in the town. From that moment onwards, numerous other artists like Crisa, Mamblo, Spaik and Daniela Frongia have transformed the town’s walls into their own personal canvas.

A wide variety of subjects are painted in the murals from pop culture figures, like Jim Morrison, to those in Sardinia’s history, like Eleonora d’Arborea, but almost all are produced with a contemporary and surreal twist.



Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Libero
Sentiero segnalato: Si
Difficoltà: Facile
Bar: Si
Accessibilità motoria: Totale

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