The Vivagna Pond lies behind the beach in the cove at Punta Nera, on isola di San Pietro, in Carloforte.
This lake-like wetland, extends across about 8 hectares and is of key natural importance as it is the ideal habitat for avifauna. The different species to look out for include the pink flamingo and the Black-winged stilt. The area’s vegetation is typically wetland and provides a nesting ground for the birds there.
The beach at Punta Nera lies not far from the pond. Its shoreline features a fine, clear sand, with a few emerging rocks.
This part of isola di San Pietro was inhabited as early as ancient times as is clear from the discovery of a burial cave dating back to the Bronze age.
Thanks to its biodiversity, the area is protected under the “Habitat” directive no. 92/43/EEC, introduced by the European Commission in 1992.
As with the rest of the island, this wetland and beach are part of the Site of Community Importance (SCI) “Isola di San Pietro” (ITB040027), regulated by the Rete Natura 2000.