The San Sisinnio Park can be found just a few kilometres from the town of Villacidro.
The area extends to the right of the Rio Leni, on a hillside where the church of the same name stands, dedicated to the martyr saint, San Sisinnio.
The park includes the largest and most important community of centuries-old wild olive trees in this part of Sardinia. The large trees have specimens of over 13 metres in height with a trunk diameter of around 5 metres.
The twisted shape of these ancient trees offers an evocative and magic scenario to the legends handed down over the centuries about San Sisinnio. Defender of the town’s people and children against attacks from the terrible witches roaming the land. Even today, it looks like you can see them imprisoned in these twisted, thousand-year-old branches, monstrous, terrible, narrow at the roots, in the huge and exasperated, but vain effort to wiggle out, free themselves and escape.
The park, which is part of the Cammino di Santa Barbara, also has barbecue areas and tables for eating in the shade of these huge trees.