Murales di Villagrande Strisaili

Cronologia: 1970


Murales, Villagrande S.

Sitting at the foot of the Gennargentu Massif, the town of Villagrande Strisaili is best known as an agricultural centre and for its spectacular Sothai waterfalls.

The phenomenon of the murals came to Villagrande Strisaili around the 1970s, when Francesco del Casino produced the first works. Like other surrounding towns, the town interpreted muralism as a form of social and political criticism; one example of this is Casino’s mural produced in 1977 depicting the philosopher and scholar from Ales, Antonio Gramsci.

Since 2017, a town committee has created a series of murals depicting the town’s oldest residents.

Some of the artists who have worked at Villagrande include Angelo Pilloni, Antioco Cotza, Ruben Mureddu and many more.



Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Libero
Parcheggio: Si
Difficoltà: Facile
Bar: Si
Accessibilità motoria: Totale

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