Settimana Santa - Chircas, Bortigali

Foto di Giovanni Porcu

Holy Week in Bortigali, a delightful town at the foot of Monte Santu Padre, distinguishes itself for a tradition still intact, with chants and ancient liturgical objects. Sa Chida Santa is organised by the three ancient Confraternities known as sas Cunfrarìas: Santa Rughe (Santa Croce) from 1624, Sas Animas (the Anime) from 1777 and su Rosariu (Rosario) from 1864.

The local tradition involves the distribution on Palm Sunday of medals and on Holy Wednesday, tilicche (traditional sweets).

On Holy Thursday mass is celebrated in Coena Domini and the washing of the feet is held. The Crucifix is then carried in procession as far as the Tomb, set up by the Prioress with su nìnniri (sprouted grain) and with sas làmpadas (chalices).

On Good Friday at 8 in the morning, the Sas Chilcas begin, the searching by Our Lady of Sorrows, carried by the de su Rosariu brothers. The brothers of Santa Rughe organise the celebrations on Friday, passing through the churches of Santa Croce, Rosario and San Palmerio, with head covered as a sign of mourning. The children also take part in the procession: the town centre is alive with the sound of sa matràcula, sa rana and sa chìgula. The voices of the Cuncordu accompany each station in the procession. The chant reaches its apex with s’ottava trista de s’Iscravamentu in harmony with the Su Cuncordu de sas enas choir.

On Holy Saturday, the confraternity of the Anime prepares a fire called su fogu virgine lit in front of the church, which sees the start of the service when the holy water is blessed. On Easter Sunday, the s’Incontru is held in the “Sa Funtana de s’Incontru” square followed by su cumbidu, a refreshment to wind up the celebrations.




Parcheggio: Si
Bar: Si

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