A nature site which extends to the north of the town of Bosa. Its peak, Punta Sa Sea (108 m a.s.l.), looks towards the mouth of the river and the “Valle del Temo” Regional Nature Reserve.
The plateau has a vast spread of effusive rocks known as welded tuff, in an unusual pink colour. These are rocks linked to a period of significant volcanic eruptions which caused a pyroclastic flow, which we can envisage as a rainfall of ash and rock fragments.
The flora features typical essences of Mediterranean Shrub with the presence of plants of oak (cork oak, holm oak and downy oak) and juniper, spread around as shrubs or garigue. Another species commonly found in the area is the European fan palm and an unexpected forest of chestnuts.
The plateau is part of the Sites of Community Importance (SCI) “Hinterland and coastal area between Bosa, Capo Marargiu and Porto Tangone” (ITB020041), regulated by the Rete Natura 2000.
This is an area of significant natural importance as it is home to and breeds one of the largest colonies of griffins. Other important varieties of birds also nest here.
Around the plateau, in the coastal area, we can find different beaches and coves, including the most well-known and characteristic ones, Cane Malu and Cala ’e Moro.
The site is about 10 km from the town of Burgos and is easy to reach.