Palazzo di Baldu and the church of Santo Stefano

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Photo by Letizia Fraschini, CC BY-SA 4.0

Palazzo di Baldu

Luogosanto preserves important examples from Medieval times in Gallura. The Giudicate of Gallura was, in fact, one of the four kingdoms which Sardinia was split into from the XI century to the XIV century.

Not far from the town centre, in Santo Stefano, stands Palazzo di Baldu. The Medieval building and nearby Church of Santo Stefano sits in a landscape, frequented from Neolithic times, featuring centuries-old trees and walled-in granite tafoni.

The palazzo, at the heart of the settlement, towered above the service buildings and over the pentagonal courtyard. Built using accurately squared ashlars, three perimeter walls of which are still visible, it is flanked on one side by a stone staircase leading to the mezzanine floor. There is an arched window here framing the landscape. The Palazzo’s history is linked to the Visconti family from Pisa. In the XIII century, they governed the Giudicate of Gallura, establishing important trade routes right across the Mediterranean and the Far East. One of the more significant figures who lived in the palazzo was Ugolino Visconti, mentioned by Dante Alighieri in his VIII poem, Purgatory.

The remains found in the area belong to Villa di Santu Stevanu, a town in the curatoria of Balaiana, district of the Giudicate of Gallura, local administrative headquarters and, perhaps also home to political authorities.

The nearby church of Santo Stefano is mentioned in Catalan documents from 1358 as being part of Villa de Sent Steve. Rebuilt between the XVII and XVIII centuries, nowadays it has the typical appearance of a rural church, though perhaps in the guidicate era it was the Palazzo’s chapel.

Take the SP24 Luogosanto-Arzachena to reach the site. At the Li Casareddi fork, turn onto the B-road and continue to the end, where you’ll find the car park.



Bene tutelato

Proprietà: Comunale
Tipo provvedimento: Bene tutelato ex art. 12 D. Lgs. 42/2004
Ingresso: Libero
Parcheggio: Si
Bar: No
Accessibilità motoria: Totale

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