Neulake Photography

Foto di Alessandro Contu, CC BY-SA 4.0

Corsa degli scalzi, Cabras (OR)

Every year, between Cabras and the small fishing village of San Salvatore di Sinis, the feast in honour of San Salvatore is held.

Celebrations start in the last week in August with a procession of the women from Cabras. Dressed in traditional Sardinian clothing, they walk 7 km barefoot along the road which goes from the town centre to the village, carrying a small statue of the Santu Srabadoeddu (baby Jesus).

On the first Saturday in September, mass is held in the church of Santa Maria Assunta, where the wooden simulacrum of San Salvatore is kept. The most significant part is the barefoot race, which takes place just after mass.

The “curridoris” are dressed in penitential clothing, a white tunic tied at the waist with a cord. Preceded by a flag carrier, they run barefoot along asphalted streets and dirt tracks, holding up the simulacrum. They are split into fourteen groups: seven run on the first day and the other seven on the second day; fate decides who accompanies the saint as far as the village and who brings it back to town.

On arriving in the village of San Salvatore di Sinis, the curridoris are welcomed by the women and tourists. On Sunday, the simulacrum is carried in a procession through the streets of the village, to the sound of launeddas and accordions, as far as the small church where mass is celebrated; after this, the curridoris carry the statue back to town where celebrations continue.

The tradition appears to be in commemoration of an episode which took place in 1619. In order to protect the statue from an invasion by the Moors, the people of Cabras tied branches to their feet to create a lot of dust as they were hurrying to take the simulacrum to safety. The tactic worked: the Moors fled, convinced they were up against a powerful army.


Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Libero
Bar: No

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