Part of a particularly notable landscape, perched on high ground overlooking Monte Novo San Giovanni at 1,057 metres high, the Perdeballa is a Nuraghe…
Sitting on a rocky spike, the Nuraghe dominates the Golga plateau. Down below, in the midst of the forest, are numerous traces of huts,…
At the top of the giara, near the edge of the plateau, close to a spring and covered in holm oak, stands the Nuraghe…
The menhir of Terrazzu or Luxia Arrabiosa stands not far from the town of Villaperuccio, on farmland near the intersection between the two rivers….
The monument features a rectangular room cordoned off by five orthostates (lithic slabs secured to the ground) and covered with a large stone slab….
The round shaped Perda Fitta menhir was built from granite standing 1.45 m in height and with a circumference of around 3.20. According to…
The Carabassa menhir represents a type of proto-anthropomorphic menhir found in the area. They tend to have an ogive profile with a plano-convex section…
The Menhir Reinamare is preserved near the SS 292. These kinds of monuments, also known by their more common name of “packed stones” that…
This huge monolith in trachyte tuft stands in the centre of a hillside rich in Neolithic findings. While presenting a truncation on the upper…