Torre di Sant’Elia and small fort

Cronologia: XIII – XX secolo

761_Argiolas_Sara-Torre_Pisana_Capo _Sant'Elia ( CA)

Foto di Sara Argiolas

Torre Pisana, Capo Sant'Elia, Cagliari (CA)

The Sant’Elia Tower was built just behind the Sella del Diavolo by the Pisans in 1282, as indicated in a marble inscription uncovered in 1806 on the fountain of San Bartolomeo and nowadays preserved at the Archaeological Museum.

Its construction in Medieval times makes it the oldest part of the entire defence system of the Colle di Calamosca. Near the end of the XVI century, it was replaced by the nearby Torre del Poetto as the latter was more strategic for controlling the caves and coves below.

During the Second World War, the Sant’Elia Tower was mostly demolished to build the small lookout fort a few metres away. Nowadays, following a subsequent collapse in 1996, the original cylindrical shape with 5 m diameter and a height of 13 m, has been reduced to a remaining height of 5.4 m.

To reach the tower, follow the path starting in Viale Calamosca for about 20-30 minutes.



Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Libero
Parcheggio: Si
Distanza a piedi: 1300m
Sentiero segnalato: No
Difficoltà: Media difficoltà
Altitudine: 134m
Bar: No
Accessibilità motoria: Non accessibile

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