Church of Santa Lucia, Monastir

Photo by Giovanni Mocci

Church of Santa Lucia, Monastir

The church of Santa Lucia is immersed in the countryside of Monastir, in a densely populated area dating from the prehistoric period.

In Roman times, the via Caralibus Turrem passed through Monastir penetrating into the Campidano. Furthermore, since the XIV century there is mention of the medieval castle of Baratuli, of which only a few ruins remain.

We have no information about the construction of the church. We can date it to the second half of the XIII century.

The building has a single nave and is surrounded on three side by a late porch probably dating to the XVII century. Of the original layout, the facade and the front part of the northern side have been preserved. The facade has small ogival arches, some of them with a small hanging lobe in the keystone.

It also has a bell gable, which is aligned with the portal and curved double-arched window.




Informazioni utili

Ingresso: Visibile dall’esterno
Parcheggio: Si
Sentiero segnalato: Si

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