Basilica of the Holy Trinity of Saccargia

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Foto di: Vanessa Sogos

Santissima Trinità di Saccargia

The Holy Trinity abbatial church is located in Codrongianos which, in Medieval times, was part of the Giudicato di Torres (Judicate of Logudoro), and was a stop-over for pilgrims who from Ardara, home to the Palatine chapel, continued on to the Church of San Gavino in Porto Torres

The basilica was erected on the remains of a small, pre-existing church, on the wishes of the judge of Torres, Costantino I de Lacon-Gunale and his wife Marcusa, who, in 1112 bequeathed it to the Camaldolese monks. Even to this day, next to the church we can find the remains of the ancient monastery.

The Holy Trinity of Saccargia clearly evokes the Tuscan Romanesque style. It was entirely built with local white and black stone positioned irregularly in places, which gives the structure two-toned dynamics.

The finely decorated facade with ceramic basins and inlaid geometrical figures, is preceded by an ornate portico with sculpted capitals and artfully decorated arches.

The church has a Tau cross layout with a single nave and transept that ends with three apses.

The atmosphere inside is prevailing evocative with its long nave, featuring bare walls, drawing the visitor’s eye straight to the central apse which houses a rare and magnificent cycle of frescoes dating to the XII century, depicting Christ in Mandorla and scenes from the Passion of Christ.



Bene tutelato

Proprietà: Ecclesiastica
Tipo provvedimento: Bene tutelato ex art. 12 D. Lgs. 42/2004

Contributore esterno

Aretè Società Cooperativa

Informazioni utili

Ingresso: A pagamento

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