Chiaramonti Nuraghe Ruju Nuraghe The Ruju is definitely the most famous Nuraghe in Chiaramonti. The imposing single tower has a truncated-conical shape and large masses were used to… Scopri di più
Chiaramonti Castello Doria Castello Located on high ground overlooking the town of Chiaramonti, the Doria Castle was part of the impenetrable complex of strongholds which the Ligurians built… Scopri di più
Chiaramonti Church of Santa Maria Maddalena – Orria Piccinna Chiesa romanica According to the expert Angius, the church took its name from the ancient village, now abandoned of Orria Pithinna, where it presumably acted as… Scopri di più
Chiaramonti Domus de janas di Su Murrone Domus de janas The necropolis of Su Murrone, located on a trachyte elevation about 6 Km from the town of Chiaramonti, has five hypogeum burials, four of… Scopri di più