Basilica di San Gavino, Porto Torres

Foto di Michal Osmenda

The Basilica of Saints Gavino, Proto and Gianuario in Porto Torres is the largest Romanesque church in Sardinia.

Erected in the second half of the XI century, the church fulfilled the role of Cathedral up to the mid-XV century.

The building stands between two courtyards and on top of two older churches dating back to the V-VI centuries, of which archaeological remains were found and from where certain reclaimed marbles distinguishable in the building, originate from.

The earliest mention of the title dates to 1065 and is contained in the Condaghe di San Pietro di Silki. While, from the Pseudo-condaghe di San Gavino, we learn of the construction of the basilica in two clearly defined stages starting from the eastern apse.

La Basilica di San Gavino is unique in Sardinia for its unusual layout with opposite apses.

The inside has three columned naves with recycled marble capitals and three pairs of cruciform pillars. The central nave is covered in wood, externally in lead sheets, while the side naves are covered with cross vaults.

The portals are particularly interesting. Of these, the one on the northern side is Romanesque and presents angelic figures supporting the Judicate of Logudoro’s coat of arms; while the other one, to the south, is Catalan-Gothic style.

In the XVII century, a crypt was built under the church to preserve the holy relics of San Gavino and his martyrdom companions, Proto and Gianuario, patron saints of the Archdiocese of Sassari.



Roberto Coroneo, Architettura Romanica dalla metà del mille al primo ‘300, Ilisso, 1993
Roberto Coroneo, Renata Serra, Sardegna preromanica e romanica, Jaka Book, 2004 
Gianpietro Dore, San Gavino di Porto Torres: il portale romanico, Poddighe, 1997
Fernanda Poli, Basilica di San Gavino a Porto Torres: la storia e le vicende architettoniche, Chiarella, 1997
G. Piras, “Le iscrizioni funerarie medievali della basilica di San Gavino: contributi preliminari per una rilettura”, in Il Regno di Torres 2. Atti di Spazio e Suono 1995-1997, Sassari, 2003, pp. 302-342.

Il Condaghe di San Gavino, a cura di G. Meloni, Cagliari, CUEC, 2005.

G. Piras, “Testimonianze epigrafiche e gliptografiche della basilica di San Gavino: inquadramento generale della documentazione”, in I segreti delle cattedrali, Cagliari, 2016, pp. 31-39.
G. Piras, Tituli picti et tituli scariphati. Riflessioni intorno alla scoperta delle firme nei dipinti ottocenteschi della basilica di San Gavino ed al culto dei Martiri Turritani, Sassari, Carlo Delfino editore, 2019.
Ingresso: A pagamento
Parcheggio: Si
Sentiero segnalato: Si
Bar: Si
Accessibilità motoria: Parziale

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