Olbia Island of Bocca’s Lighthouse Lighthouse The Lighthouse of the Island of Bocca was built in 1887, bearing witness to the first stable maritime connection between the island and the… Scopri di più
Arzachena Capo Ferro Lighthouse Lighthouse Sitting above the Capo Ferro promontory, the Lighthouse of the same name dominates the entire area. Construction of the lighthouse began in 1858 and… Scopri di più
Calasetta The Mangiabarche Lighthouse Lighthouse The Mangiabarche Lighthouse stands on the rock of the same name, about 400 m off the coast of the Isola di Sant’Antioco. Built around… Scopri di più
Cagliari Faro di Capo Sant’Elia Lighthouse The Capo Sant’Elia Lighthouse in the Baia di Calamosca is one of Cagliari’s most iconic symbols. This is one of the most incredible panoramic… Scopri di più