Guspini Neapolis Città fenicio-punica, Città romana The Phoenician, Punic and Roman city of Neapolis sits on the southern edge of the Golfo di Osistano. It was built not far from… Scopri di più
Pula Nora archaeological site Betilo, Città fenicio-punica, Città romana, Necropoli The ancient city of Nora stands on the promontory of Capo Pula, separated from dry land by an isthmus. The Spanish tower of Coltellazzo, opposite the… Scopri di più
Cabras Tharros archaeological site Città romana Tharros is a city of Phoenician origin, founded in the VII century B.C. at the tip of the Sinis Peninsula, which played a key… Scopri di più
Porto Torres Antiquarium Turritano national archaeological museum and archaeological site Città romana, Museo, Terme romane The Antiquarium Turritano is located in the area of the Turris Libisonis Roman settlement, founded by Julius Caesar or Caesar Augustus, between 46 and… Scopri di più