Silanus Rural church of Santa Sabina Chiesa, Chiesa bizantina, Nuraghe It stands on the ruins of Nuragic structures still visible with the presence of the Nuraghe of the same name with holy well standing… Scopri di più
Lunamatrona Church of San Giovanni Battista and Lunamatrona Altarpiece Altarpiece, Chiesa The Church of San Giovanni Battista can be found in Lunamatrona. We don’t know much about the construction of the church. The current-day building… Scopri di più
Cabras Church and village of San Salvatore Chiesa, Village The ancient village of San Salvatore, built between the 1600s and 1700s is one of the most important cumbessias villages (accommodation for pilgrims) in… Scopri di più
Bonarcado Santuario Nostra Signora di Bonacatu Chiesa, Chiesa bizantina The Sanctuary can be found in the upper part of the residential area of Bonarcado, next to the Romanesque church of Santa Maria. Its… Scopri di più
Cagliari Duomo of Cagliari Chiesa, Chiesa romanica The Duomo of Cagliari, or rather, the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and Santa Cecilia was built in the XIII century under the House… Scopri di più
Sedilo Santuario San Costantino a Santu Antinu Chiesa The rural sanctuary of San Costantino sits on the Monte Isei, on the edge of Sedilo. You can admire the vast panorama from the… Scopri di più
Sorgono The Rural Sanctuary of San Mauro Chiesa The rural sanctuary of San Mauro is just a short distance from the town centre of Sorgono, at the foot of Monte Lisai. It… Scopri di più
Tuili Church of San Pietro and Tuili Altarpiece Chiesa Over the years, work has been carried out on the San Pietro church in different artistic styles. It was erected in the XV century… Scopri di più
Bosa Cattedrale dell’Immacolata Chiesa The cathedral of Bosa stands at the entrance to the town, along the banks of the Temo and close to the Ponte vecchio. Its… Scopri di più